See how your contributions impact kids on the East End


Everyday we play with purpose at CMEE. We are a Museum for All and your support keeps us playing in ways you might not have imagined!

Our Monday Night Academy

Once the Museum’s doors close for the day, they reopen to welcome families for an evening of family learning—focusing on improving literacy and STEM outcomes for school children. Scan the QR code to watch a video of this summer’s program!

Beyond Our Walls

Did you know CMEE opened an outpost in the Flanders/Riverside community? Located 22 miles from CMEE’s home in Bridgehampton, we welcome families in the immediate area to play with us year round!

Class Trips!!

Your Support makes free and reduced rate class trips possible at CMEE.

Community Events

Supporting CMEE not only fosters educational and interactive experiences for our young ones, but also serves as a catalyst for important community events such as the renowned "baby gear swap," and our vibrant “block party,” which bring our community together and create lasting memories for all ages.

Creating Traditions

Whether you are first-time parents, or newly arrived East End residents, CMEE opens its doors for you to play with us and create new tradi- tions. With events like our New Year’s Eve Bash, Egg-a-Palooza, Big Truck Day, and ESL programs, we invite families to celebrate with us time and time again.

Nourishing Bodies and Minds

Kids can’t play and learn if parents are worried about buying groceries, that’s why offering nutritious meals is a CMEE priority.

Hear From Our Co-Presidents

Dear CMEE friend,

This year, we’ve welcomed nearly 50,000 visitors because play matters, and is essential for helping kids learn and thrive. Children use play to make sense of the world around them, regulate emotions, deepen their learning, and reduce stress. Unfortunately, kids are playing up to 25% less than they were four decades ago and recently the American Academy of Pediatrics began recommending “prescriptions for play” as part of children’s well-visits. This is where CMEE comes in.  Every day we are removing barriers to play for children of all ages, from infancy to kindergarten and beyond:
  • We bring play directly to communities that need it the most by hosting Family Fun Nights at our new satellite location in Flanders/Riverside. 
  • We distributed thousands of pounds of food to families because kids can’t play and learn if their caregivers are worried about buying groceries. 
  • We provided weekly literacy, science, and math tutoring here at CMEE to more than 50 kids at our evening summer academy program. 
  • We are a Museum for All, providing free admission to more than 1,000 guests who receive SNAP benefits and free class trips.
Our work is only possible because of the support of friends like you. We invite you to join us in our commitment to East End kids with a tax-deductible gift because play matters to all children. Thank you for making a BIG difference in our community!  

Liz Bard and Lara Sweeney



Your support matters, thank you for being a part of our community.